May I renew a book that is on Interlibrary Loan?

In order to help us maintain good standing with other libraries, we ask that you pay close attention to the DUE DATE for the item. Please keep in mind that the item does NOT belong to us and that our ability to provide materials to you through ILL depends on the generosity of other libraries.

If you find that you need the item longer than the DUE DATE allows, see the following.

Requesting a Renewal

No Renewal Allowed


Requesting a Renewal

  1. Go to the library's website and click on the link (in the right side bar) for "Interlibrary Loan."
  2. Log into your ILL account.
  3. Once you reach your ILL record, click on the link in the left side bar that says "Checked Out Items."
  4. You will get a list of the books/ILL items that you have checked out. Find the listing for the book or item that you want to renew and click on it to open the full record.
  5. If the book or item can be renewed, there will be a button at the top of the page that says "Renew Request." Click on this button once to send a renewal request to the library.
  6. Your item will receive a new temporary due date while we wait for the lending library to respond to the renewal request.
  7. If a renewal is granted, your book record for that particular item will show the new due date and you will also be notified via e-mail.
  8. If a renewal is NOT granted or is not allowed, please return the book/item to the library on or before the due date. If you still need the book/item, you can place another ILL request for it and we can try to find another lender.
  9. You are allowed one renewal request per item.

Please Note: Renewals cannot be requested prior to 7 days from the due date. You will not see the "Renew Request" button before that time and it will also not appear if the book cannot be renewed. Some lending libraries will not allow renewals and they are totally at the discretion of the lending library. All renewal requests must be processed through our library for ILL items.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact Amanda Ferguson at 918-631-3497.



No Renewals Allowed

If the paper band on your ILL says "NO RENEWAL", then the lending library has indicated that this item may NOT BE RENEWED. If you find that you need the item longer than the DUE DATE allows please follow these steps.

  1. About a week before the DUE DATE listed, place another request for the item and we will try to obtain it ONE MORE time from another source.
    • Interlibrary loan is intended to be a short term (2-4 weeks) one time only loan.  Although ILL is free for our patrons, the library pays a fee whenever we borrow from another library. We will not continuously ILL books for patrons for an entire semester or academic year. 
  2. Return the original item on or before the DUE DATE. If you contact us before the item is due back we may be able to give you 1-2 days leeway to copy whatever pages you need.
    • These books belong to another library and returning them well past their due date can affect whether or not a library will continue to lend to us.
    • If a book becomes too far overdue you may be fined up to 2X the replacement cost of the book and any associated fees. This fine is NON-REFUNDABLE. Repeatedly returning ILL books late can also result in suspension or loss of ILL privileges.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact Amanda Ferguson at 918-631-3497.


  • Last Updated Jun 15, 2024
  • Views 15
  • Answered By Lisa Grimes

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